Alan M. McLauchlan
Post Card Collection
(and some photos)
Flumina amo, sylvasque, inglorius.

Unknown Male
Westminister United Church The Pas Aurora Photo Number 21

The Pas Manitoba June 10 1955 Unknown Parade
Aurora The Pas 1956 #8
Ernest Jebb receives "The Cup" and cheque for $1000 on arrival

Festival Parade 1956 Aurora Studios #9

Trappers Festival at the ice palace

Winner of The Pas Derby 1933 to Chicago Pat Campbell
Sacred Heart School, 1st Ave The Pas

La Verendrye Motel Gordon Ave The Pas
Lake Scene The Pas District

Unknow Location, Unknown Driver. Manitoba Motor Transit Company
Manitoba Motor Transit was based in Brandon, Manitoba. It was previously known as Northern Manitoba Motor Bus Company which was based in Dauphin, Manitoba until 1933
Phil Geiler had relocated his bus company from Dauphin to Brandon in 1933 to begin a rapid expansion of service and being the first operator to transport passengers inter-provincially into Manitoba from Flemming, Saskatchewan. His company primarily served southwestern Manitoba and had pioneered service into the north reaching The Pas, Flin Flon and Thompson from Brandon.
The assets of Manitoba Motor Transit were purchased by Grey Goose Bus Lines in 1969.

Man with large trout outside post office. Truck has the words Carpenter Clearwater Lake Lodge Number 706 on reverse. In speaking to the family the man has been identified as Eric Carpenter

Photo of Sacred Heart Cathedral being built. Note old Hospital in background. The church was dedicated in September 1922
It is a Manitoba Historical Site
Image location today
Unknown parade on Ross Ave The Pas. Identifiable buildings is the Cold Lake House ( building with balcony)
Cold Lake House today
Fisher Ave The Pas. (photo) This would be looking north from the corner of Third. Note the flag flying over the post office on the far right.Just before the post office you can make out the Lyric Theater. Also note Guymer funeral home on the left

Photo of Old snowmobile no location noted but from the dress of the man on the left this could be at Trappers Festival in The Pas

Fisher Avenue showing Union Supply, CPR Airways, Comfort Station and Cambrian Hotel (photo)

Unknown people near Provincial Building

Christ Church as seen from the north east (Devon Island) Aurora Studios

Birds eye view of The Pas showing Hospital

Unknown group of men with plane, unknown location not posted B66 on back. Perhaps Manitoba Government Airways as this postcard has similar people as a previous postcard (page 1)

Unknow men receiving award?

Unknown Family

Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival 1952
Native Jig Dancing #8

Chief Pello Ross, Samuel McKay, Sandy Monias Unknown location Chief of Cross Lake
Sandy Monias Chief Pello Ross Samuel McKay

Miss Brandon Card number 8 Unknown Location

Unknown supper at Guy Hall A54 on reverse

The Pas Man Fischer Ave Looking South. Note spelling error of Fischer- Fischcher

Photo showing Strand Motors, Peerless Motors, Rupert House

Postcard- Canadian Championship Dog Musher Edwin Lambert and his nine dogs. Photo taken right after he won the race Jan 23 1949 At The Pas Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival Photo taken by M.K. McKenzie The Pas.
In 1949, the major race ran over two days and was titled the Canadian Open Championship Dog Race. Any number of dogs could be used, but the musher had to complete the course with all his dogs. Injured dogs would have to ride in the sleigh.
The teams began on the Saskatchewan River in -25 F (-31 C) weather and on the first day mushed 70 miles north to Cranberry Portage. When they returned to The Pas the next day, Edwin Lambert from Pine Bluff was the winner of the $1,000 first prize and the Hudson Bay Mining & Smelting Silver Cup.
Front and back of a photo with Laird Oullette and others. Irving Allen photo A52

Aerial View of The Pas Photo showing Hospital, Catholic Church, Western Groceries, Arena. Corner of 1st and Edwards
Photograph of The Pas Lumber Company. UNknown date or photographer

A.M.Strong Last Run 1918-1953 Irving Allen Photo # 372 LOcomotive 5044 was built in Nov 1912 and scrapped in September 1958
Unknown men
Parkers Self Serve Store 109 2nd Street. Now Petes Pro Tackle. No date

Catholic Church The Pas not posted Finished by Northern Lights Studio

Sherritt Gordon Office and Dwelling, corner of 5th and LaRose The PAs. Home still standing