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The Pas Manitoba

Information about the first dog race can be found here

Posted September 8 (?) 1919 from The Pas to Miss Frances Johnson of Worcester NY.  "well we arrived in The Pas yesterday are going to start haying tomorrow. The address is The Pas Manitoba from Lawrence B"         

 The Pas Dog Derby was the for runner of Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival, the longest winter festival in western Canada! Visit their web site or better still come and enjoy the festival each February! Note the interesting cancellation of the stamp. For information on cancellations see this site: Stamp Cancellations   

Another resource can be found here:

Trappers Festival Queen and her court. Published by a local photographer Aurora Photo Studios of 205 Fisher Ave The Pas. circa 1940 

Dog Team on River- not posted. Believed to be on the Saskatchewan River at The Pas. No Publisher noted but believed to be Aurora Studios Circa 1940

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Dog Team on the Saskatchewan River. Note Christ Church in the background. Publisher The Pas Camera and Music Center Number D06

Dog Team on Saskatchewan River. Note the dogs are stationary unlike the prievious postcard where they are running. No Publisher- believed to be The Pas Camera and Music  Number 109

Two Babies, unidentified. No publisher noted but believed to be The Pas local 

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St Anthony's Hospital, The Pas Manitoba. Now The Pas Health complex. Building is still in use today

Northern Manitoba Trappers Festival Fur Queen and Princesses. 1956 Left Annette Chartier, 2nd from left Helen Chapelski (sp)

Sacred Heart Cathedral The Pas. Taken from St Anthony's Hospital roof. Also Guy Hall which was torn down in 2022

The Pas Lumber Company, 1st Street east The Pas as seen from the Saskatchewan River.  The Lumber company moved to British Columbia  in 1954. For more information

Interesting Postcard. reverse says Mills Bros at festival. However it is believed that this is the Harry Douglas and the Deep River Boys band playing at the Guy Hall during Festival

Yip Nan, owner of the Paris Cafe

Tom Mak, owner of various businesses in town.

During Trappers Festival, this Inuit family visited/ In this card they are on top of the Western Groceries Building and are looking east. See the Catholic Church and Hospital and Finger Lumber Company in the view

The person in the middle is late Jenny Tootoo , next to her in the front is  William Kidlapik, the child is Barney Tootoo, with his father Pierre Tootoo 

First lady-Pitseolak Lyta,

Second Lady-Napaaqtuq Nakoolak Coral Harbour

This article was found on FaceBook and may be the same visit or not

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Pierre and Jenny TooToo, toddler is Barney TooToo from Rankin Inlet.  Other man is William Kidlapik This was probably taken in the western Groceries Building.


Edwards Ave as seen from the south showing the Gateway Hotel which was destroyed by fire in the 2000's

Edwards Ave as seen from the north corner of 2nd Avenue circe 1950's

Fischer Avenue as seen from the corner of 2nd Avenue

Unknown Indigenous Lady with Baby

Sacred Heart Cathedral 1st and Cook The Pas as seen from the south east

Woman believed to be Connie Allan

Canadian Championship Dog Race The Pas Trappers Festival 1949 Aurora Photo

From Social Media "this is the story from Doreen. She said it was "a parade at the rodeo .Lulu Fillmore .Lorrie Jeager was behind me. My horse was Rocket. Joyce was always training her horse to do tricks". So Laurie Jaeger is also in the photo."

Postcard of person fishing               ( believed to be a Queen contestant as identified by sash) surrounded by others Man in fedora identified as Norman McKenzie

Men at the train station in The Pas.  This postcard caused a stir on social media among local historians as everyone was wondering what theses men were doing. The man holding his hat which has a piece of paper with the words "Churchill...." The man on the near end also has the same paper in his hat.  On the reverse it is stamped "Aurora Photo Studio 205 Fisher Ave The Pas Manitoba and is dated Aug 6 1949. 

Unknown baby on couch. Unknown publisher or location

Unknown duet at Guy Hall

Supper at Guy Hall, appears to be during Trappers Festival

Unknown girls appear to be riding a horse driven waggon

. Publisher R.H. Williams's Studio The Pas

Children watching boat ride at a carnival. unknown location.  numbered 433 on reverse

View of the carnival from afar. Unknown location numbered 433 on reverse

Finger Lumber Company The Pas, later known as The Pas Lumber Company. Numbered 170 on reverse

Men with large lake trout. Unknown Location or publisher. numbered 723 on reverse

Sunset Beach Clearwater Lake Provincial Park. Pump is no longer there

Unknown Family, Unknown Location

"Tea Boiling and Bannock Making in the Open" 1956-03 Trappers Festival

Westminster United Church The Pas  This card shows' the church before the addition was built

Supper at Guy Hall. Numbered 454

Speech believed to be at Trappers Festival. The man with the paper behind the queen is believed to be wilf Cudmore Sr.

1956 #5 Cooks Team The Pas Aurora Studios

#38 on reverse.  Man is believed to be Roger Carrier of Cranberry Portage. Carrier was a legend as a King Trapper. For more information click this link: Roger Carrier 

The Pas from the air circa 1940. In the fore ground you can see The Pas Lumber Company. Just over the aircraft strut is the Hudson Bay Railway bridge  Numbered A31 on the reverse

Kerrs Furs Store Fisher Avenue The Pas. Building is still standing. Mr Kerr was an entrepreneur and bought furs amongst other things from across the north. The Kerrs Fur Parka, shown here, was a staple in the north and was sold around the world  

Unknown Girls, Unknown Location

Awards ceremony at Trappers festival at the Guy Hall The Pas. You can tell it is Trappers Festival if you look at the clothing of the man handing the award. A fur tie and a plaid shirt

Strand Motors Fischer Avenue The Pas. Now the location of the RCMP office

Man ice fishing with burbot

four children identified as  Ross and June Stephenson's kids: June, Kody, John and Ken

Interesting post card dated 4th July 62 from "Caribou Bill" Anger to Murray McKenzie Photographer The Pas.  "Murray Are you out of business? No Post cards yet no key"   

The 63 lb lake trout is believed to be caught in Athapap Lake and is on display at the Cranberry Portage Museum. A video of the museum can be seen here and the fish is at the 50 second mark.

A story of Caribou Bill can be located here

While not a postcard, this photograph was included in my collection and is historically significant.  For years farmers, businesses and local governments have been attempting to build a "grain corridor" from Saskatchewan to the port of Churchill on Hudson Bay.  This photo is dated January 30th 1952

 " The Official Meet Jan 30/52 Time 3.15 P.M. CST - 20 degrees

about(?) a table set in the snow with hot coffee and lunches. Route name was changed from Carrot River The Pas Route Assin to "Carrot River The Pas Agricultural Development Route Assn" in order to emphasize fact that the road not conflict of oppose and proposed highway.

Photographer's stamp on the left side of the photo (reverse) as Irving G. Allen The Pas.

Allen operated Aurora Photo Studio during this period

The work on this corridor continues today with the Hudson Bay Route Association and the Gateway Keewatin Corridor Inc advocacy groups

Christ Church The Pas Manitoba Kenmont (of Winnipeg)  Photo #772

St Anthony's Hospital The Pas Manitoba Canada.. Operated by the Sisters of Charity- Grey Nuns of St Hyacinthe. Sisters arrived in The Pas in 1912 to open the old hospital. New one shown opened in 1929 has 120 beds.  Photo by Murray McKenzie for Aurora Photo Studios

Tourists Cabins The Pas Manitoba posted Oct 1 1960 from The Pas to Mr Albert Kittleson RR#2 Elkhorn USA  " Returned to civilization this PM  Not too successful  I guess we should have ?  we were spoiled last year Harold"  Canadian Post-card Co Ltd Toronto #3  Cabins were to the east of Devon Park and were moved sometime after this photo was taken.  One of the houses is still in existence. at 1436 Gordon Ave The Pas

Sun Dial used by Sir John Franklin The Pas 1846 #576

Following is from the Sam Waller web site

"The brass sundial was sent to Devon Mission by the noted English explorer Sir John Franklin and his wife, Lady Jane Franklin, c. 1845.  Franklin led two overland expeditions in search of the fabled Northwest Passage, each of which brought him through the site known as Opasquia, (now The Pas), once in 1819 and again in 1825.  This small “island of civilization” amid the wilderness impressed Franklin, and later he and his wife sent the sundial as a gift to the Church of England Mission at the site"

Unknown postcard publisher

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The Pas Collegiate Unknown Publisher not mailed

Catholic Church The Pas Manitoba #20 no publisher identified.  Note train bridge in the background

Caribou Bill Anger Postcard is titled " Trapper stretching beaver pelt at The Pas Manitoba Canada North of 53  Pub by Irwin Specialties Ltd 43 Hanna Ave Toronto

The Pas Manitoba Canada "North of 53" Tourist office by Chamber of Commerce  Posted Apr 22 1967 from The Pas to Bewdley Ontario

" Dear Bill, Having a real good time. Snow drifts as high as the car. Weather cold and bright. Jack"

Postcard distributed by Husky Confectionary The Pas Manitoba

Not a postcard but I have included it as it has the name of a business on the reverse- "Finished by J.T.Coan The Pas Mb

"Lynx caught at The Pas Man No 3782 Published by the B.C Printing and  Litho LTD Vancouver B.C. This photo does not do justice to these magnificent animals so I have included one of my photos for your enjoyment

The Pas Lumber Mill Boat The Pas Manitoba No Publisher noted.  Posted From The Pas July 6 1955 to Toledo Ohio  " Friend(?) Edd We are on our road 100 miles to Flin Flon. Look this up on your map. Lots of fish.. Fred Suitth

H.B.R Bridge The Pas Manitoba Canada Postcard Co Ltd Toronto. Not posted

The railway bridge is still in use. Trains travel over it to Flin Flon and Churchill

Cathedral of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart The Pas Manitoba Kenmont Photo No 773 Not Posted

"The Pas Manitoba Canada Sturdily built log cabin used by trappers in winter months North of 53"

Published by Irwin Specialities Limited 43 Halanna Ave Toronto 3 Ontario  dated 1971?

" A Malamute Chorus The Pas Manitoba" Unknown publisher. There seems to be a photographer signature as noted in the circled area below but I can not make it out. 

Three postcards from different decades  the top two are not posted and no publisher is noted but believed to be local.  The bottom postcard is dated 15April1949.  Posted from The Pas to Quebec.  Note the post mark "The Pas ( Le Pas) Manitoba"

 Thanks to Richard Paetzold  for this video of the hotel on fire 

"Sacred Heart Cathedral  from hospital roof  Guy Hall to right with railway and Sask River Bridge and ? ground. The Pas Camera Allen Aug 52"   Note the car road leading up to the railway bridge

"Musk Rat House Northern Manitoba # 117.  No publisher noted. Interesting that someone would make a postcard of a muskrat house

United Church The Pas Manitoba no Publisher noted. Not mailed   Note the  NOKO mark on back. It is possible to date a postcard from this mark  See this reference. Remember of course that publishers may have blank stock for years after a "blank" was discontinued. 

Various post marks have been used in the area. This one uses the English and French versions of The Pas

United Church The Pas No Publisher and not posted.

Modern Postcard 1960's  The Trappers Festival The Pas Manitoba Canada. 

Unknown fiddler and unknown child performing

modern card distributed by Husky confectionary The Pas. circa 1970

The La Verendrye Motel Modern Card circa 1970 no publisher noted not posted. Now The Pas Hotel Goggle view below

"The Pas Husky Pups" No Publisher noted. Posted Dec ? from ? British Columbia to Nelson B.C.

Dog Trains on Right of Way HBR. Posted from The Pas to Flint Michigan USA Dated 24 Jul 1951 " Hi Maurice we are going fr a ride on a train today. We saw a big saw mill yesterday, some geese and a lot of ducks. Mom's and daddy     Note the Postmark using The Pas (Le Pas) full circle double 

"A thousand Miles by Dog Train Le Pas Manitoba" unknown publisher unknown date. Posted to West Lynn Mass.  " This is up on the roof of the world, the furthest north I have been. It is not quite like Boston Jack"

Winter Freighting The Pas Man. no date Published by Canadian PostCard Co Ltd Toronto Ontario  The Toronto Postcard Club has the following information on their web site "The Canadian Post Card Co. was founded in early 1910 by Donald Alexander Lynn of Toronto. Donald A. Lynn was the manager of the Underwood & Underwood office in Toronto from 1897 to 1910. The Toronto office of U&U was a major one and every one of the millions of U&U stereo views have the name Toronto on them. "

"Hudson Bay Train Leaving for Churchill in 40 below Publisher Aurora Studios North of 53" Mailed Aug 15 1953 from Winnipeg  to Owls Head Maine USA. "Greetings from LePas Manitoba enroute from Hudson Bay where I've been enjoying a most interesting and  unique vacation. Went riding on the Saskatchewan River today which is on this card. - Martha"

"Hudson Bay Railway Bridge The Pas Manitoba" No publisher noted. This is an interesting card as it shows a steam ship passing through an open bridge.  The seniors tell me that a ships would blow their horns and the kids of the community would run down to open the bridge! This view would be to the east as no church could be seen

This wonderful movie was taken in 1925.  It features The Pas about the 10 minute mark! You can see the bridge open. See it here

"The Park The Pas Manitoba" Now known as Devon Park. the railway bridge would be at the end of the road on the right of the card. To the left bottom would be the Catholic Church ( see other postcards). The Pas Indian Band ( now Opaskwayak ) can be seen in the background across the Saskatchewan River. The church seen in the distance is still in use Church of the Messiah ( see Google Earth photo below)

This postcard view is included to give the reader a perspective.  You can see the cairn and the roadway.

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The Guy Hall The Pas Manitoba. no publisher identified.  The hall was damaged by a water leak and was torn down in 2023

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Post Office The Pas. Building still in use today

Post Office The Pas. No publisher identified

"Jumping Deer At Hudson Bay Junction Snapped At Daybreak"

Publisher Crystal Photo Service The Pas. Scan of reverse included.

Hudson Bay Junction is to the south west of The Pas on the Canadian National Rail Line

A very pretty card showing a Indigenous woman and child outside of a tent.  No publisher noted.  Posted from The Pas to Beech City Ohio Jun 12 1950.. The photographer has added elements of light and dark to the card which enhances it. 

Lynx Falls Grass River The Pas Manitoba. This card required some research to locate Lynx Falls as there is no location close to The Pas. The location was determined to be Pisew Falls, which is Lynx in Cree. The reason for the confusion is the falls looks somewhat different at the present See the colour photo.. Also at the time the postcard was made, The Pas would have been the closest and largest community to the falls.   In addition this area would have been hard to get to during this period as there was no highway.  The photographer would have had to travel by boat down the Grass River, or by train and then portaged some distance to the falls. Not for the faint of heart

For more information on Pisew Falls click this link

Modern card, circa 1950, unknown location on Clearwater Lake north of The Pas

"On the Saskatchewan River, The Pas Man

Unknown Location, unknown publisher not mailed

CNR Station The Pas Man  not mailed, unknow plublisher

Manitoba Government Provincial Building Circa 1971

Provincial building from Google

Anglican Church The Pas. Unknown Publisher.

This church is a designated historic site and is a must see when in The Pas. It sits on the banks of the Saskatchewan River and has been see in other cards.

See this site for further information

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"The Gateway Drug Ltd Block The Pas Man Sept 1953. Photo by J.G.Allen Aurora Studios. Google Maps photo today

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"The Pas Meat Market"

Fisher Avenue The Pas.  Building later had a second storey added and was the New Hawaiian restaurant. It has been torn down after a fire

People identified as Eddie Davidson, Joy Harkness,Francis Pielak(?)


Boys baseball team, unknow location or publisher

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"Husky Dog Team The Pas Manitoba #95" Unknown Publisher

The Pas #8 No publisher noted.  Mailed aug 11 1941 from The Pas of Pictou Nova Scotia to Misses Russell " we are having a grand time with perfect weather etc. Have hopes of visiting flin flon and Sherridon so may have plenty of mining news when I get back - Margaret H"  The view is of the downtown area showing the United Church in the forefront 

Little Northern Museum The Pas- no publisher noted.

This museum was the forerunner of the Sam Waller Museum

Two aerial views of The Pas.  Both taken by Aurora Studios  The first view is from the north east of The Pas showing The Pas Lumber Company.  It is not dated.  The second view is from the north west and shows the rail bridge and downtown area.  The back of the second card is stamped Aurora Studios and is date 10-18-53 

Aerial view of The Pas from the west Circa unknown, unknown publisher

"Air View The Pas Man via Lamb airways Looking South (1954) Aurora Number 15"

Lamb Air was an airline which started locally and grew internationally and it had a celebrated history. See their history here

Air view The Paas Man #3778 BC Printing and Litho Company Postcard not posted

"BC Printing & Litho Ltd. of Vancouver, BC printed cards from 1928 to 1930. The company succeeded BC Printing & Engraving Corp., and was itself bought out by Bulman Bros. Ltd. of Winnipeg in 1930. While the company focused on BC, cards were also issued with subjects as far east as Quebec, according to Ron Souch in his British Columbia Historical Picture Postcards, A Guide to Publishers published by the Vancouver Postcard Club in September 2009".

The Elks Hall in The Pas, no publisher numbered A54 on back of both postcards.  The Elks Hall burnt down in the 80's.  It was the site of many events including the first date of my future bride and myself!

Manitoba Government Air.   Third from the left standing is Hugh Smith.  Fourth kneeling is Bob Parkins. Stamped on Back C55 Publisher Aurora Studios 

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"Greetings Eskimo Point to The Pas.  People identified as Helen and Fred Kerr and the TooToo family

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Little Northern Museum Photo by The Pas Camera and Music  Center. Posted The Pas to Holland Aug 4 1974(?)  This building was built by The Pas Rotary Club for Sam Waller and his collection. The Museum eventually moved to its present location downtown in the old courthouse

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A group of people, including a band, believed to be at Trappers Festival, note the clothing

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Fur Queens, Miss Lynn Lake, Fur Queen of the North and Miss The Pas

Fur Queen identified as (from left), Marion Williamson, Doreen Snowdy(?), unk,unk,unk

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Tom Henderson Family

Father Tom, Tom, Jerry, Sidney Dorion Mother Margaret holding  Simon

Jerry is still alive and notes this was taken in 1948  The Margaret Henderson Parish Hall is named after Margaret shown here in the postcard, Church of the Redeemer OCN

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Train and car north of the Saskatchewan river. On reverse  "engineer Joe Hall, Fireman Zoivo "Dave" Lahoeim (?) 2739

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Unknown Women 

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Unknown photographer. Note location is Fisher Avenue, Bank of Montreal building in background

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Unknown Family at Train Station

Unknown group of photographers. Possible Trappers Festival

Left to right, Heerman Premachuk, Chief Cornelius Bignell, Caribou Bill Auger. Taken near railway station

The Pas Airport Allen ( Aurora Studios) CF CUE Canadian Pacific Airways Still flying today!

"CF-CUE flew with the USAAF for just three years before becoming civil and was with Canadian Pacific from January 1947 until moving on to the Department of Transport in February 1956. There, she was retired in October 1990, to be taken on by Buffalo in 1992."

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Modern Card Publisher D.W.Frieson and Sons Ltd Altona. Posted 7 VIII 1964 (7Jul64) from Thompson to Austin Manitoba.  Card distributed by Husky Confectionary The Pas

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This is another photograph of the meeting between Carrot River delegation and one from The Pas  Luckily the photographer noted the date, time and the names of the people in the delegation!

Horace Langlois- unknown publisher unknown date

Same photograph but with a date 1948! Hunters Reward Copyright W.Espey 1948 The Pas

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The Pas Hospital- no date
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Unknow RCMP officer- no date
United Church
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Two headed calf. unknown date

The two headed calf mount can be seen at the Sam Waller Museum in The Pas 

From Gil Verville via social media: (Sid) Wilton`s cows started calving much earlier then normal and a snowstorm hit. Word was put out that Syd needed help getting calving cows back to the yard. Local farmers in the area that had riding horses went to help. Joe Verville was one of them, he found the two headed calf and put it on his horse and headed for the ranch. It was alive when found but died shortly after. This was in the early 50`s when we had a small mixed farm just past Fred Kerr`s old place.

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Fur Queen- unknown date
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The Mill The Pas Manitoba The Pas Lumber Company # 123
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Unknown Male
Western Groceries building as seen from the east
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Fern Mak

Tom Mak (Holding John Mak)

Jerry Yip(?)



Mrs Foon Chan

Charlie Foon Chan

Photo believed to be 1956

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Hunters at the train station in The Pas with caribou

Train station in The Pas Looking north west.  You can see the steeple of the Catholic Church in the distance

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Dog Race on river.  ML McKenzie Photographer

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From Social Media:  Fred and Helen Kerr in the fur display inside the Opasquia Hotel in the early 1950s. Kerrs Furs organized the display for that year’s Trappers Festival. Lovely to see them, my parents.

Mickey Kerr Reid

Caribou Bills Cabin

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Unknown Female couple

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Unknown Boy Dancing at Festival

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The Electrical Generating building which houses the library now.

Men showing off their harvest of geese. The boat in the back is the Skippy L which was owned by Tom Lamb and plied the Saskatchewan river from The Pas to Moose Lake. For more information on the Skippy L visit this site

From left to right is  Art LaFontaine,  Wilfred Gamache, and  Albert LaFontaine (Pepere). 

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